


  • 公司名称山东菲奥特气动液压有限公司
  • 品       牌
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  • 所  在  地济南市
  • 厂商性质其他
  • 更新时间2023/4/11 14:43:50
  • 访问次数26

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山东菲奥特气动液压气动有限公司是一家从事于流体压力转换、自动化压力检测和压力控制设备的生产、研发、销售于一体的企业,公司位于美丽的泉城济南。公司主要产品有气体增压泵、气液增压泵、爆破试验台、脉冲疲劳实验台、水压实验台、气密性试验台、水锤试验机、以及各种非标定制压力实验系统,配套高压针阀、气控针阀、高压单向阀等,广泛应用于液压行业、机床行业、柴油机行业、航空航天行业、汽车制造业、电器业、石油化工行业、CNG汽车改装业、压力检测行业以及钢铁、电力、冶金、纺织、电子、矿山、轻工业、机械制造、造纸印刷、交通设施、食品医药、铸造喷涂、海运码头、科技等领域石油、航空、航天、、车辆、消防、压力容器、管材等领域。 我们贯彻“规范经营、稳健发展”的经营指导思想,加快产业转型升级与创优步伐,努力实现发展思路,不断开拓进取,奋发有为,化危机为机遇。提供高品质的检测设备 我们敢于突破,敢于,我们不怕挫折,我们有目标,创具排名靠前水平的设备,我们承诺,以很好的质量,很好的服务回报用户,将以“服务客户、满意客户、诚信为本”的服务宗旨,竭诚为外客户服务。
简要描述:其特性同FAT-G系列泵相同,但与同规格G系列泵相比,脉冲小且流量比G系列单作用泵提高50%。Its characteristics are the same as those of fat-g series pumps, but compared with G series pumps of the same specification, the pulse is small and the flow is 50% higher than that of G series single acting
FAT-GD系列气液增压泵 产品信息


FAT-GD系列气液增压泵驱动活塞直径为160mm, 为了保证气液增压泵的寿命,建议使用气压≤8bar。凡是接触液体部分材质根据介质不同选碳钢或不锈钢,泵的全套密封件均为产品,从而保证了泵的性能。

Detailed introduction

The diameter of driving piston of fat-gd series gas-liquid booster pump is 160mm. In order to ensure the service life of gas-liquid booster pump, it is recommended to use air pressure 8bar. Carbon steel or stainless steel shall be selected for the materials of the parts contacting the liquid according to the different media, and the complete set of seals of the pump are imported products, so as to ensure the performance of the pump.


Its characteristics are the same as those of fat-g series pumps, but compared with G series pumps of the same specification, the pulse is small and the flow is 50% higher than that of G series single acting pumps.


working principle:

When the gas-liquid booster pump works, the single air control two position four-way valve is used to realize the rapid and automatic reciprocating motion of the plunger or piston. With the increase of the output pressure, the reciprocating motion of the pump slows down until it stops. At this time, the output pressure of the pump is constant, the energy consumption is zero, and all components stop moving, The gas drive part of the pump body is made of aluminum alloy and oxidized into black color to ensure the beautiful appearance of the product. The material of the inlet and outlet part is stainless steel, which is suitable for water, oil, emulsion and other media. The full set of seals of the pump are imported high-quality products, so as to ensure the performance of the pump. The maximum driving air pressure is 10bar. In order to ensure the service life of the pump, it is recommended to use air pressure of 3-8bar. The maximum consumption of compressed air is 1.0 m3 / min. compressed air will not be consumed after pressure balance.



The boost ratio is the drive piston area / plunger rod cross-sectional area

The flow in the table is the approximate flow of the pump when the driving air pressure is 6 bar, the outlet pressure is zero and the medium is water. The greater the medium viscosity, the smaller the flow.










The product features are as follows:

High output pressure: the liquid output pressure can be as high as 400MPa.

Applicable: the working medium can be hydraulic oil, water and most chemical corrosive liquids, with high reliability, maintenance free and long service life

Output: for all types of pumps, only a small air pressure can work smoothly. At this time, a small flow can be obtained. Different flows can be obtained after adjusting the air intake.

Flexible application: different types of pumps can obtain different pressure areas.

Easy to adjust: within the pressure range of the pump, adjust the regulating valve to adjust the input air pressure, and the output hydraulic pressure can be adjusted steplessly accordingly

Automatic pressure holding: no matter what causes the pressure drop in the pressure holding circuit, the cester pump will start automatically to supplement the leakage pressure and keep the circuit pressure constant.

Operation safety: gas driven, no arc and spark, can be used in dangerous places.

Simple maintenance: compared with other gas drive pumps, cester pump can complete the same work, but it has fewer parts and seals, making maintenance easier.


















Typical applications are as follows:

Provide static and burst tests for valves, fittings, pressure vessels, etc

Auto braking system and fuel injection nozzle test.

Hydrostatic test of building materials testing machine.

Inject chemical reagent into the pipeline or reactor.

Filling of refrigerant

Power of clamping, forming, drilling, shearing, stamping and other equipment

Overload protection of large press, die buffer and support starting

Power of reinforcement connector

Static and dynamic testing of aerospace accessories

Performance test and calibration of instruments

Water jet of high pressure cleaning and water cutting equipment

Transporting fluids in hazardous areas

Lubrication system oiling of mechanical equipment

Clamping power during valve test

Press in and out power of shaft sleeve and cylinder liner

Control the ground safety valve and underground safety valve. In addition, the booster pump can be used as a pneumatic component, equipped with valves, pipelines and pressure gauges to make a controllable complete system.






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